The vegetation of the islet of Badija (south Croatia), with some notes on its flora

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The vegetation of the islet of Badija (south Croatia), with some notes on its flora

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2016 Nenad JASPRICA, Milenko MILOVIĆ


The vegetation and flora of the south Croatian islet of Badija (0.97 km2), located in the Korčula archipelago, were studied in 2014 and 2015. From a total of 52 phytosociological relevés, 12 floristically and ecologically distinctive vegetation communities were identified and described (eight associations, one subassociation and three stands) within nine vegetation classes. Among them, Teucrio capitati-Marrubietum incani Jasprica et Milović 2016 is described and proposed as a new association, belonging to the Stellarietea mediae class. Altogether, nine NATURA 2000 habitat types were recognized. Regarding the flora, 27 new vascular plant taxa (26 species and one subspecies) were recorded for the islet. Therefore the entire recorded flora of the islet of Badija now consists of 409 vascular plant taxa. Of the newly recorded taxa, four are considered to be invasive. One taxon is strictly protected by law. The Red List categories Least Concern (LC) and Data Deficient (DD) are assigned to one species in each. Key words: phytosociology, new syntaxon, vascular plants, new records, Directive 92/43/EEC, eastern Adriatic, Mediterranean Vegetacija i flora južnojadranskog otočića Badije (0,97 km2), smještenog u korčulanskom arhipelagu, istraživani su 2014. i 2015. Na temelju 52 fitocenološke snimke određeno je i opisano 12 floristički i ekološki različitih vegetacijskih zajednica (osam asocijacija, jedna subasocijacija i tri sastojine) u okviru devet vegetacijskih razreda. Među njima, asocijacija Teucrio capitati-Marrubietum incani Jasprica et Milović 2016 opisana je i predložena kao nova za znanost, a pripada vegetacijskom razredu Stellarietea mediae. Uvtrđeno je devet NATURA 2000 stanišnih tipova. Determinirano je 27 novih svojti (26 vrste i jedna podvrsta) vaskularnih biljaka za otočić, pa je ukupan broj svojti sada 409. Među novim svojtama, četiri su invazivne, jedna je zakonski strogo zaštićena. Po jedna svojta pripada kategorijama najmanje zabrinjavajućih (LC) i nedovoljno poznatim biljkama (DD). Ključne riječi: fitocenologija, novi sintakson, vaskularne biljke, novi nalazi, Direktiva 92/43/EEZ, istočni Jadran, Sredozemlje

Citation bibliographique

ENG - Jasprica, N. & Milović, M., The vegetation of the islet of Badija (south Croatia), with some notes on its flora. Nat. Croat., Vol. 25, No. 1, 1–24, 2016, Zagreb. HRV - Jasprica, N. & Milović, M., Vegetacija na otočiću Badiji (južna Hrvatska) s florističkim bilješkama. Nat.Croat., Vol. 25, No. 1, 1–24, 2016, Zagreb.

Une contribution de Jean-François Olivier
Badija (île Croatie)
Plantes supérieures (Tracheophyta)
île, milieu insulaire, Phytosociologie / végétation
article scientifique, PDF gratuit sur internet

Informations contenu

24 pages

Référence Nadaba : 28381

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