Birds of Melanesia

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Birds of Melanesia

Bismarcks, Solomons, Vanuatu and New Caledonia
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Guy DUTSON Christopher Helm

The perfect guide to the birds of Melanesia - New Caledonia, the Solomons, the Bismarcks and Vanuatu
Written by leading ornithologist, Guy Dutson, this new Helm Field Guide covers the species-rich Melanesia region of the south-west Pacific, from New Caledonia and the Solomons through the Bismarcks to Vanuatu. This is an increasingly popular destination for tours and travellers, and one that has never before had complete field-guide coverage.
For anyone travelling to this far-flung Pacific region, this book is an indispensable birdwatching guide. Species accounts include 650 superb illustrations allied with concise written information to aid quick and accurate identification. The cover star is the Kagu, the region's most iconic bird species and a highly sought-after endemic of New Caledonia.

Une contribution de Jean-François Olivier
Mélanésie, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Îles Salomon, Archipel Bismarck, Vanuatu
Oiseaux (Aves)
guide de terrain

Informations contenu

447 pages

15.8 x 2.6 x 23.3 cm
Description des espèces, photos en couleur, dessins en couleur, dessins en noir et blanc, couverture souple
Référence Nadaba : 28507

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