Fishes of the Maldives: Indian Ocean

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Fishes of the Maldives: Indian Ocean

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Rudie H. KUITER Atoll editions


Unique to the Maldives – Fishes of the Maldives Indian Ocean
Stunning photographs and concise descriptions showcase creatures specific to the Maldives. Other books often show pictures and species that are not known in the Maldives. The Fishes of the Maldives however, will help you identify precisely what you have seen in the ocean.

Over 2 years of research
Not just a new edition – a vastly improved and thoroughly researched and updated book. New sections include Sharks and Rays as well as 93 updated species.

Used by marine biologists
This publication is both used by, and informed by, the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Whether you are a leisure diver, marine enthusiast or a professional biologist this edition is a must.

Une contribution de Jean-François Olivier
guide de terrain

Informations contenu

308 pages
733 espèces
16 x 24 cm
1124 photos en couleur, distributions géographiques dans le texte, couverture cartonnée
Edition: updated
Référence Nadaba : 28575

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