A Handbook of the Yemen Flora

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A Handbook of the Yemen Flora

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2009 J.R.I. WOOD, Hugo HAIG-THOMAS The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

This is the first full account of the higher plants of northern Yemen. It includes descriptions of all the species known from the region with keys for their identification. More than 40 plants are illustrated in colour and others by line drawings. In addition there are sections on the history of botanical exploration, phytogeography and the ecology and distribution of vegetation types. Appendices include lists of Arabic plant names and poisonous plants together with a gazetteer of localities.

Une contribution de Jean-François Olivier
Plantes supérieures (Tracheophyta)
guide de terrain

Informations contenu

454 pages
1750 espèces
Description des espèces, dessins en couleur, dessins en noir et blanc, cartes géographiques, clés de détermination
ISBN : 9781900347310
Référence Nadaba : 28582

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