Flora of Cyprus

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Flora of Cyprus

a dynamic checklist
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This website contains information on all species and subspecies of vascular plants occurring in Cyprus, one of the hotspots of Mediterranean biodiversity. The flora comprises 1649 indigenous taxa (species and subspecies), 254 introduced taxa occuring in the wild, 43 hybrids and 85 species with unclear status (as at March 2019).
The website brings together data from authoritative sources and will be updated continuously.

Currently available:
• complete checklist of vascular plants occurring in Cyprus
• selection of recently used synonyms
• basic information on endemism and status of occurrence
distribution maps showing occurrence in the 8 phytogeographical divisions
• documentation of specimen-based literature records in the 8 divisions
• data on the altitudinal range
threat categories according to the Red Data Book of the flora of Cyprus
photographs for the majority of taxa
• data on chromosome numbers
• morphological descriptions of selected taxa
• indication of the flowering period for the majority of taxa
keys for all species and subspecies
common names of selected taxa

Citation bibliographique
Hand R., Hadjikyriakou G. N. & Christodoulou C. S. (ed.) 2011– (continuously updated): Flora of Cyprus – a dynamic checklist.
Une contribution de Jean-François Olivier
Plantes supérieures (Tracheophyta)
site internet (non participatif)

Informations contenu

Photos en couleur, cartes géographiques
Référence Nadaba : 28637


Med-Checklist 1

A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries : Pteridophyta, Dicotyledones (Acanthaceae - Cneoraceae)


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Med-Checklist 4

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Méditerrannée, Portugal, Espagne continentale (sans les Baléares, les Canaries, Ceuta et Melilla), Îles Baléares, Corse, Sicile,... more

Flora del Mediterraneo

Guide de terrain

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