Flora of the Guianas

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Flora of the Guianas

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The Flora of the Guianas is a book series dedicated to the taxonomic treatment of all plant species occurring within the borders of French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana. All information available in this dataportal is being compiled from the published fascicles of the Flora, authored by several specialists .

Browse through the taxonomy on the left to find taxa description, distribution, Type references and other content of the Flora

Une contribution de Jean-François Olivier
Guyane française (France), Guyana, Suriname
Plantes supérieures (Tracheophyta)
site internet (non participatif)

Informations contenu

Description des espèces, cartes géographiques, distributions géographiques dans le texte
Référence Nadaba : 28644

Membres associés

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Dans la bibliothèque de (1) :
Jean-François Olivier