Tropical Plants of Indonesia

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Tropical Plants of Indonesia

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2002 Elisabeth CHAN Periplus


This handy field guide introduces approximately 60 plant species found in Indonesia. Trees, shrubs, flowers and fruits are all presented in full color. Included are exotic and beautiful blooms, plants with utilitarian uses and some of the more extraordinary members of the plant kingdom. Each entry is described in dtail, and expert botanical information is included, along with interesting historical anecdotes. This book will delight lovers of tropical flora.

Une contribution de CLAIRE SCHREDER
Flore / Botanique (Plantae)
flore de terrain (portable)

Informations contenu

64 pages
60 espèces
102 g
18 x 13 x 0.5 cm
Description des espèces, 119 photos en couleur, 6 dessins en couleur, distributions géographiques dans le texte, Couverture plastifiée
ISBN : 0-7946-0257-6
Référence Nadaba : 28665


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