Ladybirds of Europe

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Ladybirds of Europe

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2022 Oldřich NEDVěD, Milan Djurić DJURIć HabiProt

Ladybirds (the beetle family Coccinellidae) are a popular group of insects. There are several books about this family, both for entomologists and for naturalists without specific entomological education. There are also various web pages with overviews of ladybird fauna in several European countries with photographs. But until this book there was no field guide or pictorial atlas covering all species in all European countries.Ladybirds of Europe is intended for a wider public interested in nature in Europe, including some areas and islands that politically belong to Europe but represent geographically distant territories with many different species, including local endemics. Readers will find updated information about the distribution of individual species in European countries – 196 species in continental Europe and 39 more on islands. The descriptions of species are very short and simplified.

Citation bibliographique
Oldřich Nedvěd and Milan Djurić, 2022: Ladybirds of Europe: Field guide. HabiProt, Novi Sad, Serbia. 208 pages.
Une contribution de Jean-François Olivier
Coleoptera (Scarabées)
guide de terrain

Informations contenu

208 pages

530 g
Description des espèces, photos en couleur, cartes géographiques, couverture cartonnée
ISBN : 9 788691 203344
Référence Nadaba : 28698

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