
Accueil | Résultats


The New Identification Guide

2021 Guide de terrain Anglais


Oiseaux (Aves)

Birds of East Africa

Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi

2020 Guide de terrain Anglais

Kenya, Tanzanie, Ouganda, Rwanda, Burundi

Oiseaux (Aves)

Is That a Bat?

A guide to non-bat sounds encountered during bat surveys

2020 Guide de terrain Anglais


Mammifères (Mammalia), Insectes (Insecta), Oiseaux (Aves), Amphibiens, batraciens (Amphibia)

Canids of the World

Wolves, Wild Dogs, Foxes, Jackals, Coyotes, and Their Relatives

2018 Guide de terrain Anglais



Cape Cod seashore life

A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Plants & Animals in the Cape Cod Region

2017 folder – dépliants, guide de terrain Anglais

Cap Cod

Tous les groupes taxonomiques

La faune sauvage de Côte d'Or

Hors-série n°14 de la Revue scientifique BFC NATURE

2017 Français

Côte-d'Or (département France)

Faune / animaux (Animalia)


The New Identification Guide

Guide de terrain


Birds of East Africa

Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi

Guide de terrain

Kenya, Tanzanie, Ouganda, Rwanda, Burundi

Is That a Bat?

A guide to non-bat sounds encountered during bat surveys

Guide de terrain


Canids of the World

Wolves, Wild Dogs, Foxes, Jackals, Coyotes, and Their Relatives

Guide de terrain


Cape Cod seashore life

A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Plants & Animals in the Cape Cod Region

folder – dépliants, guide de terrain

Cap Cod