Bogumił PAWŁOWSKI - (1898 - 1971)
Flora / Botany (Plantae)
Author's publications (1)
Author's file
Bogumił PAWŁOWSKI (1898 - 1971)
Taxonomic group : Flora / Botany (Plantae)
Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 19(1): 205–244, 2012
Bogumił Pawłowski (1898–1971) – życie i dzieło ALICJA ZEMANEK
Bogumił Pawłowski (1898–1971) – taxonomist, plant geographer, phytosociologist, was one of the most eminent of Polish botanists. He worked at the Jagiellonian University and the Institute of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków. Professor Pawłowski died at the age of 73 near the top of Mount Olympus in Greece. He is an author or co-author of c. 200 publications concerning primarily fl oristics, taxonomy of vascular plants, plant geography, and plant sociology. He is considered one of the leading experts on European mountain plants (the Carpathians, the Alps and the Balkan Peninsula). Pawłowski described 226 taxa previously unknown to science, contributed 5 genera to the work Flora Europaea and played a major part in preparing publications on the fl ora of Poland, such as Flora polska (The Polish fl ora), Rośliny polskie (Polish plants),and The vegetation of Poland. In 1920s he participated in the introduction of J. Braun-Blanquet’s methodology into phytosociological studies in Poland. KEYWORDS: taxonomy, phytogeography, phytosociology, mountains, fl ora, vegetation, Poland, Flora Europaea, Carpathians, Alps, Balkan Peninsula