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Account created on 25/05/2022
Contributions 543
In my library 384

Jean-François Olivier

I'm experienced field naturalist, author
Country Belgium
City Bruxelles
Mother tongue French
Other languages ​​spoken and/or understood English, Spanish, Italian, Dutch
Preferred taxonomic group Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
My other taxonomic groups Birds (Aves), Mammals (Mammalia), Insects (Insecta)
I encode my naturalistic observations on ( / ( ( Plantarium ( iNaturalist ( Actaplantarum (

In my library

Cover Title Geographical area Taxonomic groups
Piante e fiori dell'Etna

Etna, Mediterranean

Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

Flowers of the Himalaya

Nepal, Himalaya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bhutan, China ,... more

Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

Flowers of the Himalaya

India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bhutan, Himalaya, China ,... more

Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

Trees of Panama and Costa Rica

Panama, Costa Rica

Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

Abrégé de la petite flore de Belgique


Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du G.-D. de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des régions voisines

Belgium, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, North of France, Southern Netherlands

Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

Flora i farver


Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

Plantes obsidionales

French Lorraine

Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

The Flora of the Isles of Scilly

Isles of Scilly

Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

Wild Flowers of Britain


Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

The New Concise British Flora


Higher plants (Tracheophyta)

Handige Wandelwaaier Strand & Wad


Mollusca (Molluscs), Fishes, Algae (Algae), Shellfish