Shells of the Hawaiian Islands: The Sea Shells

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Shells of the Hawaiian Islands: The Sea Shells

The verifiable species and their described variants
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2011 Mike SEVERNS Conchbooks

The present volume covers 1.333 species of marine shells. The percentage of endemism for the marine snails is the highest recognized for any Pacific island group with an estimated endemicity of close to 21%. The whole diversity of the archipelago's sea shells - including polyplacophores, gastropods, bivalves, scaphopods as well as shelled cephalopods - is figured on 225 full-color plates with 2.828 images.

A contribution of Jean-François Olivier
Hawaiian Islands (state - United States of America (USA)
Mollusca (Molluscs)
island environment, Marine aquatic environment
field guide

Contents and pictures

562 pages

128.00 EUR
Species description, color pictures, black and white pictures, black and white drawings, geographical maps, geographical distribution in the text
Reference Nadaba : 28722


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