Biodiversity of Tanguar Haor: a Ramsar site of Bangladesh

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Biodiversity of Tanguar Haor: a Ramsar site of Bangladesh

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2012 Ishtiaq Uddin AHMAD, A. B. M. SAROWAR ALAM, Mohammad Shahad Mahabub CHOWDHURY, Aminur RAHMAN, Istiak SOBHAN, Sardar Nasir UDDIN IUCN


Abstract To address the lack of sufficent knowledge on wetland biodiversity in Tanguar Haor, a comprehensive survey on biodiversity was conducted to understand the present status, habitat classification, population density and diversity of wildlife. The main goal of this book is to share information on the biodiversity of and threats to flora in Tanguar Haor. The text includes species profiles for the most important and popular plant species in Tanguar Haor, to facilitate plant identification.

Een bijdrage van Jean-François Olivier
Tanguar Haor
Hogere planten (Tracheophyta)
Zoetwateromgeving, Ramsar-site, Natuurreservaat / beschermd gebied
Wetenschappelijk boek, PDF gratis op internet

Inhoud en foto's.

12+236 pagina's
104 soorten
Beschrijving van de soorten, kleur foto's, geografische verspreiding in de text
ISBN : 9789843329738
Referentie Nadaba : 28372

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Jean-François Olivier