A revised checklist of Hawaiian mosses

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A revised checklist of Hawaiian mosses

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2004 G. W. STAPLES, C. T. IMADA, W. J. HOE, C. W. SMITH Vol. 25

Abstract. A revised and updated literature-based checklist of Hawaiian mosses is presented. Geographic coverage includes the eight main Hawaiian Islands; the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands are excluded. The checklist is alphabetically ordered by scientific names; the family is noted for each genus. Synonyms and misapplied names are cross-referenced to the accepted names. A bibliography of supporting references is included.

Een bijdrage van Jean-François Olivier
Hawaï eilanden (staat - Verenigde Staten (USA)
Mossen (Bryophyta)
wetenschappelijk artikel, lijsten/checklists

Inhoud en foto's.

36 pagina's
273 soorten
Geografische verspreiding in de text
Referentie Nadaba : 28397

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Jean-François Olivier