The check-list of Hornworts and Liverworts comprises 292 species, 5 subspecies and 5 varieties, united in 87 genera and 42 families, while the check-list of Mosses covers 864 species, 8 subspecies and 40 varieties, grouped into 222 genera and 59 families; it also includes a list of excluded and doubtful taxa, and a list of synonyms. The main list includes tabular distributional data by region, based partly on literature records and mostly on herbarium material, especially for rare and doubtful species, and differentiates between reports before 1950 and reports after 1950, using the more recently published information when appropriate. Critical notes on distributional and taxonomical problems are included. The check-list also offers a new edition of the Bryological Bibliography of Italy, encompassing 1953 bibliographic citations that are the fruit of over two centuries of exploration and bryological research conducted in Italy.
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