The Orchids of Rwanda

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The first complete field guide to the orchids of East Africa, covers all known orchids from Rwanda. Introductory chapters on orchid research, habitats, plant geography of Rwanda, and orchid biodiversity in Rwanda and Africa. Conservation, morphology, flower biology and systematics are dealt with, and keys to genera and species are given. The main part offers data of the species in alphabetical sequence: descriptions, flowering times, habitat, distribution in Rwanda and Africa, plus at least one colour illustration per plant. 

Een bijdrage van Jean-François Olivier
Orchideeën (Orchidaceae)

Inhoud en foto's.

438 pagina's
242 soorten
Beschrijving van de soorten, 1183 kleur foto's, geografische verspreiding in de text, paperback
ISBN : 978-3941326019
Referentie Nadaba : 28579

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