Plantparasieten van Europa - Plant Parasites of Europe

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Plantparasieten van Europa - Plant Parasites of Europe

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Vanaf 2001 Willem n. ELLIS


Leafminers, causers of plant galls, and parasitic microfungi have in common that, with few exceptions, they are specialised on a single plant species or genus. This means at the same time that a plant has only a limited number of specialised enemies, actually parasites. When the plant species is known, generally therefore it is not difficult to identify the parasite.​

The study of these antagonists is not merely an interesting way of being active in nature. Pre-eminently, it is a way to obtain an insight in the network of biological relations in an ecosystem. Perhaps it is the most accessible way to experience the real meaning of biodiversity. This website’s aim is to enable that perception.

Een bijdrage van Jeremy Jaegers
Engels, Nederlands
Ongewervelde dieren, Insecten (Insecta), flora / plantkunde (Plantae), Champignons (Fungi)
Gallen (cécidologie)
website (niet participatieve)

Inhoud en foto's.

Beschrijving van de soorten, kleur foto's, zwart-wit tekeningen, geografische verspreiding in de text
Referentie Nadaba : 28627


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