The vascular flora of the nature reserve Frakto Virgin Forest of Nomos Dramas (E Makedonia, Greece)

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The vascular flora of the nature reserve Frakto Virgin Forest of Nomos Dramas (E Makedonia, Greece)

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1996 ELENI ELEFTHERIADOU, Thomas RAUS Willdenowia Vol. 25


The nature reserve "Frakto Virgin Forest of Nomos Dramas" (Central Rodopi massif, E Makedonia, Greece), established in 1980 to protect a unique area of upper montane forest untouched for c. 400 years, harbours the southernmost natural population of Picea abies in Europe and, within Greece, is of outstanding biogeographical interest owing to the boreal and Central European element, well represented in its vascular flora. A first floristic inventory of the area is presented, based on extensive recent field work and on scattered published information. Concise notes on the ecology and frequency of most taxa are provided. Ajuga pyramidalis, Anthemis orbelica, Cardamine amara, Centaurea stenolepis subsp. razgradensis, Chamaecytisus absinthoides subsp. rhodopaeus, Geum rhodopeum, Petasites kablikianus, Primula elatior subsp. elatior, Silene roemeri subsp. roemeri, Sorbus austriaca subsp. austriaca, and Thlaspi kovatsii are new to or reconfirmed for the flora of Greece.

Bibliographic citation

Eleftheriadou, E. & Raus, Th.: The vascular flora of the nature reserve Frak:to Virgin Forest of Nomos Dramas (E Makedonia, Greece). - Willdenowia 25: 455-485. 1996. - ISSN 0511-9618.

Een bijdrage van Jean-François Olivier
Natuurreservaat Frakto Virgin Forest of Nomos Dramas (Griekenland)
Hogere planten (Tracheophyta)
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31 pagina's

ISSN : 0511- 9618
Referentie Nadaba : 28647

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