AbstractThe colourful damselflies and dragonflies of the order Odonata mostly seen together during monsoonseason. Over all 18 odonates were recorded, represented by 16 genera and 3 families. We observedtheir presence during the onset of Northeast monsoon (late Sep 2014) and decline in their populationduring the onset of winter season (Dec 2014). From the month of september to december weencountered the maximum number of Odonates from the Pulicat lagoon.Orthetrum Sabina a migratory odonate species was the most dominant one contributed 19.6%followed by Brachthemis contaminate 11.3%, Ceriagrion coromandelianum 10.6%, Micrathyriatibialis 8.1% and least dominant species were Copera marginipes contributed only 0.38%. Thepresence of odonates is a mark of proof to conclude that the lagoon is still productive.Keywords: Damselflies and dragonflies, Pulicat lagoon.
Bibliographic citation
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2015; 2(4): 13-16
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