Shells of the Hawaiian Islands: The Land Shells

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Shells of the Hawaiian Islands: The Land Shells

The endemic land and freshwater species and their described variants
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2011 Mike SEVERNS Conchbooks

The Hawaiian archipelago is the most isolated archipelago on Earth. In spite of its isolation representative species of 14 families of terrestrial and freshwater snails reached the island evolving into an endemic fauna of at least 749 described species and 345 subspecies. This diversity is figured on 186 full-color plates showing 3.117 images and 363 distribution maps.

Een bijdrage van Jean-François Olivier
Hawaï eilanden (staat - Verenigde Staten (USA)
Mollusca (Weekdieren)
eilandomgeving, Zoetwateromgeving, Endemisch

Inhoud en foto's.

459 pagina's

98.00 EUR
Beschrijving van de soorten, 3117 kleur foto's, zwart-wit foto's, zwart-wit tekeningen, geografische verspreidingskaarten, geografische verspreiding in de text
Referentie Nadaba : 28721


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