Alexandra Berkutenko's Seed Atlas

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Alexandra Berkutenko's Seed Atlas

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Berkutenko A.N. Atlas of  plant seeds of the North Asia. - Magadan NESC FEB RAS, 2015. - 174 p., 43 col. fig. Bibliography: 40 references.
    The 800 color photographs of the seeds of the vascular plants of the North Asia, captured with a digital microscope, are published for the first time. The basis for the photographic tables were the seeds of 773 species that are stored in the collection of seeds and fruits of Botany Laboratory of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS. Megakarpii of 27 species of the family Apiaceae illustrated by two photographs for each species (top and bottom).The order of the seed meets the latin names of the species in the alphabetical order for ease. The characteristics of the distribution of the species in the North Asia. Information is also given about the distribution of the species outside of the North Asia. All photos were taken against the background of scale bar that allows you to get an idea of ​​the average size of the seeds, and color reproduction of the photos helps evaluate the color of the seeds. Atlas showing the morphology of the seeds can be used for diagnostic purposes of species and genera of the seed. 

Een bijdrage van Jean-François Olivier
Siberië, Russische Verre Oosten
Hogere planten (Tracheophyta)
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