2008 Scientific Book English, Spanish
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2008 Scientific Book English, Spanish
1972 Scientific Book English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
A Checklist of Plant Diversity, Geographical Distribution, and Botanical Literature
1999 Scientific Book, lists/checklists English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
L'étonnante histoire des espèces propagées par les armées
2014 Scientific Book French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
1983 Scientific Book English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2011 Scientific Book French
Birds (Aves)
et dans le territoire sous mandat du Ruanda-Urundi
1947 Scientific Book French
Fauna / animals (Animalia)
2010 Scientific Book English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2010 Scientific Book English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
Des plantes et des hommes
1999 Scientific Book French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
1998 monograph, Scientific Book English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
over a thousand species by photographic identification
1979 Scientific Book English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
1964 Scientific Book, flora Hungarian
Flora / Botany (Plantae), Mosses (Bryophyta), Ferns
(especies vulnerables)
2011 Scientific Book, red lists, CITES, IUCN, protected species, atlas, free PDF on the internet Spanish
Mollusca (Molluscs)
(Especies vulnerables)
2011 red lists, CITES, IUCN, protected species, Scientific Book, atlas Spanish
2012 Scientific Book, free PDF on the internet English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2016 free PDF on the internet, red lists, CITES, IUCN, protected species, Scientific Book Spanish
Reptiles (Reptilia)
Legado de la naturaleza que se atrapó en este refugio de vida
2012 field guide, free PDF on the internet, lists/checklists, Scientific Book Spanish
Amphibians (Amphibia), Reptiles (Reptilia)
2017 Scientific Book English
Coleoptera (Scarabs)
2007 Scientific Book English, French
Taxonomie, éthologie, biogéographie
2005 Scientific Book, free PDF on the internet French
Coleoptera (Scarabs)
Hors-série n°17 de la Revue scientifique BFC NATURE
2022 atlas, field guide, monograph, Scientific Book French
Odonata (Dragonflies)
http://www.bourgogne-franche-comte-nature.fr/fr/nos-ouvrages/atlas-des-odonates-de-bourgogne-franche-comte_23_R79.htmlGuide pratique
2011 Scientific Book French
Champignons (Fungi)
2018 Scientific Book French
Birds (Aves)
Sous la direction de Simon TILLIER. Préface de Yves COPPENS
1993 Scientific Book French
Mammals (Mammalia), Fishes, Birds (Aves), Amphibians (Amphibia)
2009 free PDF on the internet, red lists, CITES, IUCN, protected species, Scientific Book Portuguese
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
1966 Scientific Book French
Birds (Aves)
2016 Scientific Book English
Botanique systématique et utilitaire
2014 Scientific Book French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2004 monograph, Scientific Book Bulgarian
Mammals (Mammalia)
2013 monograph, Scientific Book English
Apiaceae (umbelliferae)
1977 Scientific Book French
Lepidoptera (Butterflies)