For the first time ever, you can contemplate All the Birds of the World together in a single easy-to-use, fully illustrated volume. Created for a broad public, from novice birders to expert ornithologists and anyone interested in the spectacular diversity of birds, this book has something for everyone.Presents every taxon accepted as a species by any of the four major world lists: 11,524 in total.20,865 illustrations covering sexual dimorphism, morphs and many distinctive subspecies.11,558 distribution maps, with notes on altitudinal ranges.All 3313 one-country endemic species marked.IUCN/BirdLife International conservation status given.Taxonomic treatment by the four major world lists indicated and compared for each species.Nomenclatural discrepancies explained.All English and scientific names from eBird included.QR codes for instant access to videos, photos and sound recordings, species-by-species.Checkboxes for personal record-keeping.All species known to have become extinct since the year 1500 presented separately in their own appendix.A 37-page world atlas of colour reference maps, with relevant details of interest to birders and ornithologists.The easiest and most enjoyable way to browse through all the birds of the world.
Vogels (Aves)
Inhoud en foto's.
968 pagina's 11524 soorten
4.80 kg
85.00 EUR
24 × 31 cm
20865 kleur tekeningen, geografische verspreidingskaarten, geografische verspreiding in de text, gekartonneerd
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