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In this paper we present confirmed and potential distribution ranges of all native Serbian reptile species. The information provided herein presents the combination of the newly collected faunistic data and previously published records. The centres of reptilian diversity in Serbia were evaluated, in order to focus future conservation efforts on the regions of particular importance for the protection of this understudied group of animals. We found four main centres of species richness: three in Metohija and one in Šumadija, with 17–21 species per 50 × 50 km square. Analysis of the similarity of species composition in different regions of Serbia showed that South-eastern Serbia is the most distinct from other regions of Serbia, due to high number of Mediterranean species, with two being found exclusively in that region (E. quatuorlineata and P. najadum). Metohija is also very distinct, due to the highest number of species and significant number of specific (Mediterranean) faunal elements. The remaining geographic regions are grouped into three clusters, with Kosovo-Southern Serbia cluster being especially distinct in the terms of species richness and the presence of Mediterranean species. We also compared Serbian herpetofauna with those in other Balkan countries, considering species’ numbers and zoogeographic herpetofaunistic elements. Serbian herpetofauna is closest to the Romanian. Zoogeographic analysis showed that reptilian fauna of Serbia consists of eight chorotypes, with the Eastern-Mediterranean (nine species) and Southern-European (five species) as the most dominant ones.
Key words: reptile diversity, distribution, zoogeography

Bibliographic citation
TOMOVIĆ ET AL.: REPTILES 134 IN SERBIA – DISTRIBUTION AND DIVERSITY: Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, 2014, 7: 129-158.
Een bijdrage van Jean-François Olivier
Reptielen (Reptilia)
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30 pagina's
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Referentie Nadaba : 28703


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