Alpes, Pyrénées, Vosges, Jura, Massif Central
2015 Field guide French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
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Alpes, Pyrénées, Vosges, Jura, Massif Central
2015 Field guide French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2014 Field guide Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2008 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet, lists/checklists English
Mosses (Bryophyta)
2005 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet, lists/checklists English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
volume primo
1982 Flora Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
volume secondo
1982 Flora Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
volume terzo
1982 Flora Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
Website (not collaborative) Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
book + audio or video support (CD, DVD), free PDF on the internet Italian
Birds (Aves)
collaborative website, forum Italian
Flora / Botany (Plantae), Fauna / animals (Animalia)
Website (not collaborative) English, Italian
Flora / Botany (Plantae) ed esposizione dei dati raccolti tra il 1984 e il 2014
2018 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet Italian
Birds (Aves)
2014 scientific paper, red lists, CITES, IUCN, protected species English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2014 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet Italian
Amphibians (Amphibia), Reptiles (Reptilia)
2014 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet Italian
Odonata (Dragonflies)
2013 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet Italian
Odonata (Dragonflies)
2013 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet, lists/checklists Italian
Reptiles (Reptilia), Amphibians (Amphibia), Birds (Aves), Mammals (Mammalia)
2010 Flora Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2010 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet Italian
Amphibians (Amphibia), Reptiles (Reptilia)
2008 Scientific paper Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
Capitolo 3 anfibi e rettili (Amphibia et reptilia)
2008 scientific paper, lists/checklists Italian
Amphibians (Amphibia), Reptiles (Reptilia)
2008 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet, atlas
Reptiles (Reptilia), Amphibians (Amphibia), Birds (Aves), Mammals (Mammalia)
2007 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet Italian
2007 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet, atlas Italian
Odonata (Dragonflies)
2006 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet, lists/checklists Italian
Birds (Aves)
2006 free PDF on the internet, atlas Italian
Amphibians (Amphibia), Reptiles (Reptilia)
2005 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet Italian
Amphibians (Amphibia)
2003 Field guide Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
Risultati dei censimenti svolti negli anni 1998-2000
2002 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet Italian
Birds (Aves)
2002 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet Italian
Amphibians (Amphibia), Reptiles (Reptilia)
2000 field guide, monograph Italian
All taxonomic groups
1999 Field guide Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
Vol. 1 - Roccie e ghiaioni
1994 Field guide Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
1989-1990 scientific paper, lists/checklists Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries : Dicotyledones (Lauraceae - Rhamnaceae)
1989 Lists/checklists English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
1988 Scientific paper Italian
Flora / Botany (Plantae)