2022 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
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2022 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2022 field guide, flora English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2021 Scientific paper French
Orthoptera (grasshoppers, locusts)
Contribution to the knowledge of the flora of northern Morocco: Northern Atlantic Morocco, Rif, Mediterranean littoral
2019 scientific paper, free PDF on the internet French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
Dicotylédones (p.p.), Monocotylédones
2014 Flora French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2014 Field guide Italian
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
Angiospermae (Leguminosae - Lentibulariaceae)
2007 Flora French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2005 Field guide French
Champignons (Fungi)
2004 Field guide French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Angiospermae (Lauraceae - Neuradaceae)
1999 Flora French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries : Dicotyledones (Lauraceae - Rhamnaceae)
1989 Lists/checklists English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries : dicotyledones (Convolvulaceae - Labiatae)
1986 Lists/checklists English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries : Pteridophyta, Dicotyledones (Acanthaceae - Cneoraceae)
1984 Lists/checklists English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
1972 Field guide French
Birds (Aves)
Découvrez les espèces végétales du Maroc dont beaucoup d’endémiques à forte valeur patrimoniale.
website (not collaborative), collaborative website English, French
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
https://www.teline.fr/The New Identification Guide
2021 Field guide English
Birds (Aves)
Second edition (revised)
2020 Field guide English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
2020 English
Birds (Aves)
Plus de 2000 espèces décrites et illustrées
2019 Field guide French
2019 free PDF on the internet, scientific paper French
Coleoptera (Scarabs)
Wolves, Wild Dogs, Foxes, Jackals, Coyotes, and Their Relatives
2018 Field guide English
2013 monograph, Scientific Book English
Apiaceae (umbelliferae)
2008 Field guide English
Birds (Aves)
A Field Guide
2005 Field guide English
Birds (Aves)
Toutes les espèces du monde
2002 Field guide French
Birds (Aves)
Including wood-shrikes, helmet-shrikes, flycatcher-shrikes, philentomas, batises and wattle-eyes
2000 Field guide English
Birds (Aves)
1999 Field guide English
1998 monograph, Scientific Book English
Higher plants (Tracheophyta)
Sous la direction de Simon TILLIER. Préface de Yves COPPENS
1993 Scientific Book French
Mammals (Mammalia), Fishes, Birds (Aves), Amphibians (Amphibia)
1987 Field guide English
Arachnida (Spiders)
1986 French
Flora / Botany (Plantae)
1977 Scientific Book French
Lepidoptera (Butterflies)
1974 Field guide French
Birds (Aves)
1971 French
Birds (Aves)